Proceedings of UNESCO Chair Programme on Cultural Heritage and Risk Management, ITC 2021

The proceedings of UNESCO Chair Programme on Cultural Heritage and Risk Management, ITC 2021 are now published. It contains the outline of Disaster Risk Management Plans for Case Study Projects by ITC 2021 Participants. ITC 2021 was successfully held for seven weeks from 23th of August to 7th October 2021 based on the theme of Disaster Risk Management of Cultural Heritage: Learning from the Japanese Experiences. Download PDF

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ITC2021 is successfully completed

UNESCO Chair Programme on Cultural Heritage and Risk Management INTERNATIONAL TRAINING COURSE (ITC) on DISASTER RISK MANAGEMENT of CULTURAL HERITAGE 2021 from 23th August to 7th October 2021, at Kyoto, Japan Organized by Institute of Disaster Mitigation for Urban Cultural Heritage, Ritsumeikan University In collaboration with ICCROM Contributed by UNESCO, ICOM & ICOMOS/ICORP ITC 2021, the 15th year The UNESCO Chair Programme on Cultural Heritage and Risk Management – 15th INTERNATIONAL TRAINING COURSE (ITC) on DISASTER RISK MANAGEMENT of CULTURAL HERITAGE 2021 was successfully held for seven weeks from 23th of August to 7th October 2021. This year’s course had thirteen participants and two observers. These participants and observers came

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Dr Dowon KIM talked about the earthquake and fire risk of Kyoto with an lessosns of the Great East Japan Earthquake on the radio show

March 11th, 2011 is the 10 years after the Great East Japan Earthquake, Tsunami and the onset of the Fukushima Nuclear Disaster. On March 11th, 2021, Dowon KIM, an UNESCO Chair professor from Ritsumeikan University, talked about his experience on the post-disaster of east Japan, and the hugest risk of historical city, Kyoto on the radio, which was operated with KBS Kyoto and α-Station. His voice would make the listeners to rethink about the disaster mitigation on both community and municipality level, and to share the correct information what the best preparation for the disaster is. https://www.kbs-kyoto

Dr Dowon KIM talked about the earthquake and fire risk of Kyoto with an lessosns of the Great East Japan Earthquake on the radio show Read More »

Proceedings of UNESCO Chair Programme on Cultural Heritage and Risk Management, ITC 2020

The proceedings of UNESCO Chair Programme on Cultural Heritage and Risk Management, ITC 2020 are now published. It contains the proceedings of Webinar Series “Capacity Building for Disaster Risk Management of Cultural Heritage: Challenges and Opportunities in Post-COVID Times”, held on 27 June and 4 July, 2020 and a brief report of Workshop on Good Practices for Disaster Risk Management of Cultural Heritage held on 8 to 10 October, 2020.

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Workshop on Good Practices for Disaster Risk Management of Cultural Heritage

Dates: 8th to 10th October, 2020Times: 11:00-13:00 CET / 18:00-20:00 JSTWorkshop Platform: ZoomOrganized by: DMUCH and ICCROM Outline The workshop aimed to showcase various projects on disaster risk management of cultural heritage undertaken by the former participants of International Training Course on Disaster Risk Management of Cultural heritage nicknamed as ITC, being organized by Ritsumeikan University and ICCROM since 2006. In addition, it aimed to review the activities of ITC since 2006 and works towards building a stronger network among the ITC lecturers and the former ITC participants. The call for applications to former ITC participants who have participated in the ITC since 2006 were opened. Seven projects were selected through review of

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Webinar Series

Capacity Building for Disaster Risk Management of Cultural Heritage: Challenges and Opportunities in Post-COVID Times Outline The COVID-19 pandemic that has caused unprecedented health crisis and global disruption makes us rethink about how to manage disasters caused by biological hazards. Besides huge impacts on peoples’ lives and livelihoods, this pandemic has make influences to the sphere of immovable and movable, or tangible and intangible, cultural heritage. On one hand, we need to think about reducing vulnerability and risks to cultural heritage due to disasters caused by biological hazards and improving local capacities. On the other hand, we also need to reconfigure response and recovery as we pass through this crisis

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