In Kathmandu, Nepal, the Nepalese government and local residents collaborated with Mr. Kai Weise (ITC 2008), Dr. Suresh Shrestha (ITC 2009), other previous ITC trainees. Mr. Weise coordinated the emergency response operations on behalf of UNESCO Kathmandu office. A team of experts from the UNESCO Chair programme at Ritsumeikan University also worked with ICCROM and ICOMOS to undertake immediate damage assessment, salvaging and storage of damaged cultural heritage. This initial work was very instrumental in developing guidelines by the Department of Archaeology, Government of Nepal for emergency response to cultural heritage following the earthquakes.
Resource persons from ITC: Takeyuki OKUBO / Rohit JIGYASU / Naoko ITAYA / Dowon KIM
Participants of the workshop: About 40 persons
Schedule: 22nd and 23rd February, 2016