Marcia Furriel Ramos GALVEZ (Brazil)
Architect at the Architectural preservation group – associated to the Memory and Information Center,
FUNDACAO CASA DE RUI BARBOSA – MINISTERIO DA CULTURA (House of Rui Barbosa Foundation – Ministry of Culture)
FUNDACAO CASA DE RUI BARBOSA – MINISTERIO DA CULTURA (House of Rui Barbosa Foundation – Ministry of Culture)

Jamyang Singye NAMGYEL(Bhutan)
Division for Conservation of Heritage Sites, Department of Culture, Ministry of Home and Cultural Affairs, Royal Government of Bhutan
Division for Conservation of Heritage Sites, Department of Culture, Ministry of Home and Cultural Affairs, Royal Government of Bhutan

Kundishora Tungamirai CHIPUNZA (Zimbabwe)
Chief Curator,
National Musuems and Monuments of Zimbabwe
National Musuems and Monuments of Zimbabwe

Abel Assefa GIRMAY(Ethiopia)
Heritage Conservator,
Authority for Research and Conservation of Cultural Heritage
Authority for Research and Conservation of Cultural Heritage

David Antonio TORRES CASTRO (Mexico)
Full Time Conservator,
National Bureau for Cultural Heritage Conservation part of National Institute of Anthropology and History (Coordinacion Nacional de Conservacion del Patrimonio Cultural, Instituto Nacional de Antropologia r Historia, CNCPC-INAH)
National Bureau for Cultural Heritage Conservation part of National Institute of Anthropology and History (Coordinacion Nacional de Conservacion del Patrimonio Cultural, Instituto Nacional de Antropologia r Historia, CNCPC-INAH)

Sumeru TRIPATHEE (Nepal)
Country-Humanitarian Preparedness & Response Coordinator,
Oxfam GB (Oxfam in Nepal)
Oxfam GB (Oxfam in Nepal)

Irakli KOBULIA (Georgia)
Independent Consultant,

Vikas Namdeo KURNE (India)
Disaster Management Coordinator,
Indian Red Cross Society
Indian Red Cross Society

Idrees JEHAN (Pakistan)
Disaster Risk Reduction Officer (DRRO),
FATA Disaster Management Authority (FDMA)
FATA Disaster Management Authority (FDMA)

Project manager at Tarh e-No Andishan Consulting Engineers Co.(Thinking New Approach(TNA)),
Lecturer at University of Applied Science and Technology (Red Crescent Organization/Tehran Disaster Mitigation and Management Organization(TDMO)
Lecturer at University of Applied Science and Technology (Red Crescent Organization/Tehran Disaster Mitigation and Management Organization(TDMO)

Grace DE SMET (Belgium)
Autonomous researcher on endangered Cultural Heritage; student Master after Master in Urban Studies at Vrije Universiteit Brussel (Belgium); Intern at UNESCO Culture Emergency Preparedness and Response Unit,

Catalin Andrei NEAGOE (Romania)
Architect at the National Institute of Heritage, Romania,
Visiting Lecturer at “Ion Mincu” University of Architecture and Urbanism, Bucharest, Romania,
Visiting Lecturer at “Ion Mincu” University of Architecture and Urbanism, Bucharest, Romania,

Rosa Grazia DE PAOLI(Italy)
Calabrian regional Council
Calabrian regional Council

Enrica DI MICELI (Italy)
Post-doctoral researcher,
Sapienza University
Sapienza University

Francesca GIULIANI (Italy)
Ph.D student in Civil Engineering at the Department of Engineering of Energy, Systems, Territory and Construction, School of Engineering, University of Pisa
(Senior Member of the Italian Youth Association for UNESCO)
(Senior Member of the Italian Youth Association for UNESCO)