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09 March 2023
Congratulations toVinka Marinkovic!!
Vinka has published the book “Diocletian’s Palace and the Medieval Core of the City of Split Manual for Built Heritage Maintenance and Disaster Risk Management”, which was created as a pilot project during the ITC 2021 course. The PDF version of the book is available on the website of the Croatian Conservation Institute in English and Croatian.
ITC team is proud to support your activities.

22 January 2021
New Article by our resource persons Dr. Ksenia Chmutina and Dr. Wesley Cheek
“Build Back Better for Whom? How Neoliberalism (Re)creates Disaster Risks

06 January 2021
Trophy and Certificate Arrived Safely to the Winner
It seems the Trophy and Certificate of the Exemplary Award on “Good Practices for Disaster Risk Management of Cultural Heritage” are safely arrived to the winner.
Once again, Congratulations Dr Ang Ming Chee!! You deserve it.